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风火时轮 发表于 2016-7-15 08:10

Follow Your Inner Wisdom with a Third Eye Opening

Follow Your Inner Wisdom with a Third Eye Opening

Your third eye chakra helps you chart your unique path in life.Are you able to see beyond what you see in your physical reality, and see the potential and possibility in your imagination? Are you able to give more weight to the reality that resides in your mind than to the reality that resides in the physical world, in order to create that reality? Are you confident in your own path, regardless of what you’ve been told you “can” and “should” do? Do you trust and follow your intuitive guidance? Do you find it easy to make decisions because you’re attuned to your highest good?

If not, then your third eye chakra is blocked.

The third eye chakra is your inner compass that helps you chart your path in life and allows you to fully utilize the power of your intuitive guidance. It is essential to have an open third eye chakra when it comes to making decisions that are based on your core values instead of disempowering yourself with decisions that are not for your highest good.

The Sanskrit name for the third eye chakra is Ajna, meaning “to command” – referring to the ability to direct your mental powers toward a specific thought. This ability is essential for manifesting anything you desire. It also refers to the gift of intuition, which is essential for good decision-making. It is the chakra of wisdom and insight.

Honor yourself by opening this vital chakra!When you dream, your third eye chakra helps decode a dream’s sometimes mysterious symbols. Your dreams are a powerful source of wisdom if you can make sense of the symbols used by the higher self, and if you can understand what the higher self is trying to tell you. Every recurring theme in dreams is especially important. Dreamtime situations and people provide messages so pay close attention to your dreams – your third eye will be working to ensure that understand the clues, answers and solutions you require to make important decisions.

Deja-vu, flashes of insight, premonitions and strong ‘gut feelings’ are produced by the third eye energy. This is your intuition speaking; but if your third eye chakra is closed, you will either fail to notice these messages or dismiss them as “imagination.”

When the third eye chakra is closed, you will have difficulty making decisions and committing. You will find yourself dismissing the messages from your higher self. And, your life will lack direction and purpose. This is extremely disempowering. If you can’t make decisions, your life is ruled by the decisions made for you by other people. You will find yourself relying on other people’s leadership instead of trusting your own instincts – and you will find yourself working hard for someone else’s dream instead of your own.

Health problems associated with the third eye chakra include vision problems such as nearsightedness and farsightedness, cataracts, tension headaches, migraines, insomnia, pituitary gland problems, ear problems and sinusitis.

How to Open the Third Eye Chakra
If you have been brought up believing that intuition is “make believe” and that “reality” is the only thing to base your decisions on, then your immense intuitive powers are being neglected. The information that comes from within is just as valid and important as the information that comes from the physical senses. The brain picks up a LOT more information than you are consciously aware of, and this information then filters back to you in dreams, gut feelings and flashes of insight – so ultimately most of it does come from the physical world, but you simply weren’t aware you were picking it up!

Do creative visualization to open the third eye chakra.Learning to rely on your intuition requires a leap of faith and confidence in yourself if you’re used to making decisions only based on logic and reasoning – but it’s a skill worth developing. Meditation is a great way to tap into your intuition. You can ask yourself questions before you meditate, and then simply sit, with a quiet mind, and listen.

Visualization is one way to clear the third eye chakra. Your inner visions are just as compelling if not more so than what you see with your eyes – so practice creating beautiful, happy, inspiring visions of what you want your life to look like. Fire up your imagination and create your desired future. This will direct your mental and emotional energy toward your dreams, and your sixth chakra will show you the way with inspired ideas and intuitive guidance.

Eat dark fruits like blueberries and plums, dark chocolate and dark red wine (in moderation); wear indigo and introduce this rich color into your home environment.

Do more of what you love to do, and less of what you don’t enjoy. Simplify and prioritize your life to give yourself plenty of time to honor who you are and enjoy working toward your dreams.

Another wonderful opening exercise is to keep a dream journal. Most people can remember at least fragments of their dreams upon waking. Keep a notepad next to your bed and jot down key images, themes, words or feelings from the dream, as soon as you wake up. Don’t struggle to remember the whole dream, or even scenes – if you can only remember a feeling, or a word that was spoken, that’s enough. You’ll get better at remembering your dreams as you practice dream journaling. Let your imagination come up with the message. Rely on your own interpretations, since nobody else will necessarily use the same symbolism. Rely on your self-knowledge, your memories, feelings and intuition to decode your dream messages.

Opening your third eye chakra will help you make sense of your past and you’ll be better able to consciously create your future. It will allow you to use your intuition to see beyond your current situation and self-imposed limitations. You will see what you want to see and what you want to accomplish and you will direct your mental energies in that direction. You will become more intuitive and you will know and fearlessly follow your own path.


风火时轮 发表于 2016-7-19 14:11




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