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标题: Kundalini Awakening: the Awakening of Source Energy [打印本页]

作者: 风火时轮    时间: 2016-7-15 08:17     标题: Kundalini Awakening: the Awakening of Source Energy

Kundalini Awakening: the Awakening of Source Energy

Kundalini awakening is a release of dormant spiritual energy.

A Kundalini awakening is a release of extremely powerful spiritual energy within a person. It has been described as the dormant “potential force” in humans, or the “power of pure desire.” This is the energy of creation – the very same Source energy that created all of us, and resides within us.

When you look at the big picture, it is the force of potentiality that gives rise to creation. Nothing is created without desire, defined as a strong feeling of wanting (something) and potential (defined as the ability to develop or become something in the future).

So when Kundalini energy is awakened in a person, that person can rise to his or her absolute greatest potential.

The body is a vehicle for spiritual energies. When you tune into and awaken dormant energy in your body, you will experience higher consciousness but also some physical sensations.

How Kundalini Awakening Happens
Kundalini awakening can happen spontaneously, sometimes during a traumatic event, but it can also be awakened in you in a more controlled manner through meditation, breathing exercises, mantras or specific yoga asanas. It is very preferable to awaken Kundalini in a controlled manner to avoid “Kundalini syndrome” or the sudden, incredibly intense release of energy that causes physical or psychological problems. These symptoms (including insanity!) can be very severe so it is strongly advised not to try to awaken Kundalini energy on your own without guidance. By controlling the process, if the symptoms become too intense you can stop and ground yourself. This is why it’s a good idea to awaken Kundalini energy in the presence of a spiritual teacher!

Kundalini energy powerfully affects the chakras.On a physical level, Kundalini energy resides at the base of the spine. It sits there, coiled like a snake, waiting to be awakened. Once released, the most common physical sensation is that of electricity running up the spine and through the body. You may be intensely aware of a cool or warm breeze across the soles of the feet and palms of the hands. You may feel intense ecstasy. Headaches are common, as is awareness of light and colors inside of you. You may also experience trembling, shaking or vibrating in the body – sometimes quite dramatic. You may feel an incredible sense of expansion, that you are physically larger than your body. Your thoughts may race, or stop altogether. There are other symptoms, but as you can see, the process is quite dramatic and you may feel comforted in the presence of a spiritual teacher who has experience with Kundalini awakening.

When Kundalini is awakened, the innate potential of each chakra is realized. Each chakra corresponds to a specific area of the physical body, as well as to mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of what you know to be “you.”

Since kundalini awakening can happen through meditation, a daily and devoted practice will help the Kundalini energy rise through the body and nourish each chakra.

How Kundalini Energy Affects the Chakras
In the root chakra, Kundalini nourishes innocence and trust – the innocent, nonjudgmental trust we all have as infants, knowing and trusting that we will be cared for and loved. In essence it brings you back to the pure wisdom and joy of a newborn.

Awakening can be spontaneous or controlled.
In the sacral chakra, Kundalini awakens creativity. You will experience a tremendous appreciation for everything around you and you will see beauty everywhere. On a physical level, it nourishes your digestive system, which is absolutely vital to your well-being.

Kundalini opens you up to the peace, generosity, satisfaction and contentment that resides in the third chakra, the solar plexus chakra. You will feel a huge release of stress and tension. And, you will feel a sense of “rightness” about your life.

Surrounding the second and third chakra is something called the “Void” which is the seat of your inner guru, or complete self-mastery. Kundalini awakens you to your inner wisdom, and helps you overcome self-defeating habits.

Moving up through the chakras, Kundalini energy revitalizes the heart chakra. After a Kundalini awakening, you become aware of Spirit and you drop your identifications to ego. With Kundalini awakening comes a complete release of worry, doubt and fear and the heart space is consumed by unconditional love.

The fifth chakra is the throat chakra. Kundalini energy supports your self-expression and removes your tendencies to compare yourself to others. Instead, you feel connected – ONE – and so freely express yourself as you are.

Kundalini energy opens the sixth chakra (the third eye or brow chakra), enhancing your sense of compassion and forgiveness. This opens the way to an awakening of consciousness within you.

The crown chakra, when awakened, integrates all of the qualities of the lower six chakras.
作者: 风火时轮    时间: 2016-7-19 14:19




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