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标题: Be Heard, Using Throat Chakra Meditation [打印本页]

作者: 风火时轮    时间: 2016-7-18 00:35     标题: Be Heard, Using Throat Chakra Meditation

Be Heard, Using Throat Chakra Meditation

Your throat chakra is the conveyor of truth and clarity, your center of self-expression, your communication center – the gateway between the inner world of yourself and the outer world. Throat chakra energy affects you physically in the throat, neck, and lower half of the face; it also controls your arms and hands since their movements are associated with communication and the throat chakra relates to all self-expression (not just words you speak). When your throat chakra is blocked, self-expression, honesty, integrity and self-esteem suffer. Use can use throat chakra meditation to open this chakra and be heard.

What Happens When Your Throat Chakra Is Blocked?
Self-expression is difficult with a closed throat chakra.
Do you ever have conversations where you can’t seem to pronounce words correctly or convey your thoughts well so that others can understand what you are trying to say?

Maybe you chalk this up to stress, fatigue or overwhelm. An inability to communicate may also stem from the fear you may experience at being unsure of how your thoughts will be received by another. Many people with communication issues also fear too much silence, possibly because they fear being perceived as antisocial, overly shy or just plain stupid. To compensate, they talk constantly, but do not talk about anything with real meaning or substance.

Negative thoughts and emotions cause the energy centers to go into disorder. Think about self-expression as an outflow of energy. Whether you are speaking, writing, communicating through body language, creating art, building something, inventing, dancing or the many other ways to express yourself – you are putting out energy from your core, from your soul. You are showing the world, “this is who I am.”

But when you are having trouble communicating, it can be directly related to an imbalance in your throat chakra. Your heart chakra, third eye and crown chakra are trying to send communications and energy through your throat chakra – communications from the heart, mind and the soul; but if the throat chakra is blocked, that pure, loving, wonderful energy is blocked and so cannot come out clearly, honestly or with full expression because the throat chakra is not operating at full capacity. Negative feelings and emotions put your chakras off their game. Mostly, these are related to low self-esteem!

An imbalanced throat chakra can also lead to physical ailments such as ear infections, bronchitis, thyroid imbalances, laryngitis and more. Remember the mind/body connection – everything you feel or think has an effect on the physical body.

Meditations to Heal your Throat Chakra
To open the throat and prepare your chakra for healing before a throat chakra meditation session, try the following:

Get creative: SING (in the shower, in the car, wherever); cook a new recipe, plant a vegetable garden, etc. The enjoyment you get out of the creative process helps open your throat chakra. Don’t be concerned with the end result. Simply take joy in the creative process.
The color turquoise (or light blue) represents and is connected to the throat chakra so adding blue, turquoise or other variations of blue-toned colors to your wardrobe and inside your home will help you. These will visually stimulate your chakra to relax. Color therapy is effective because just like music, colors have a specific vibration, and the vibration of the color blue is matched to the throat chakra.
Herbal teas and fresh fruit help sooth the walls of your throat and can reduce any physical inflammations that have occurred. Avoid dairy products which produce phlegm and have you constantly clearing your throat.
The color turquoise and throat chakra meditation will help open this chakra.Adding all of these things to your daily life are a sort of meditation in and of themselves. They allow you to change your physical habits and atmosphere in order to support your chakras, specifically the throat chakra. Meditation is all about connecting; with your thoughts, your higher self, etc. These practices can aid you in reconnecting all of your chakras outside of and during your meditation sessions.

Okay – now you’re ready to meditate! There are several variations to try:

Breathing meditation: sit comfortably and focus on the breath going in and out. Be aware of how it moves through your nose to the back of the throat and down into your lungs. Exhale through your mouth and focus on the air leaving. Repeat this step until you feel light and calm with an open rib cage, chest and throat. Concentrate on your throat and the sensation as the air passes back and forth through it. Imagine your throat relaxing and expanding to allow for more air to pass back and forth.

Chanting and singing help open the throat chakra.

Mantra/chanting meditation: Focus on your breathing once again, but this time chant the throat chakra mantra as you breathe in and out. On the inhale, say SO. Hold it for a few seconds, then breathe back out. HAM. Concentrate on the variations in the vibrations and frequencies while you hum this chant in and out. Set your focus on how the vibrations feel as they resonate in your throat. Allow these chants and vibrations to open the throat so that energy may pass back and forth once more.

Healing your throat chakra is all about rebuilding your self-confidence and stimulating your creative drive.

More than just energy going out through self-expression, the throat chakra also allows you to be open and receptive to others’ thoughts and ideas. When practicing your deep breath meditation, appreciate and be joyful for the throat you have that allows oxygen to move into your body and aids in the dispelling of carbon dioxide from your body.

Be grateful for the ability you have to create sounds with your throat and physically convey (through body language) what is going on in your heart, mind and soul.

The practices you do during your meditation sessions can be creative expressions in their own way. Take time to appreciate that, and you will find it easier and easier to keep your throat chakra open and your self-expressive energy flowing freely.
作者: 风火时轮    时间: 2016-7-19 14:14




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